StreetArt / UrbanArt

Rheinhattan ArtBaselGallery
Photo credit: Rheinhattan (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Rheinhattan ArtBaselGallery
Photo credit: Rheinhattan (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Das Basler Klybeckquartier soll völlig umgebaut werden. Regierung, Stadtplanerinnen und das Baudepartement arbeiten an einem Masterplan, der Privatinvestoren und Baulobby riesige Gewinne bescheren wird, aber keinerlei Rücksichten auf die Bedürfnisse der Quartierbevölkerung nimmt. Dagegen wehren sich viele Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner aus Kleinhünin­gen und dem Klybeck.
Accessed 28 Januar 2015
Photo credit: SehRäuber (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Photo credit: "fail" (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Photo credit: "BABOS" (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Photo credit: "M" (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
ArtBaselGallery Uferstrasse
Photo credit: "TheFinger" (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Photo credit: IndiaBlue (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
A mural is any piece of artwork painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. A distinguishing characteristic of mural painting is that the architectural elements of the given space are harmoniously incorporated into the picture. Some wall paintings are painted on large canvases, which are then attached to the wall (e.g., with marouflage). Whether these works can be accurately called "murals" is a subject of some controversy in the art world, but the technique has been in common use since the late 19th century.
Accessed 16 January 2015
UrbanArtBaselGallery Basquiat
Photo credit: Basquiat One (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Basquiat UrbanArtBaselGallery
Photo credit: Basquiat Two (BW), (c) by Matthias Burkhalter.
Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jean-Michel Basquiat (December 22, 1960 – August 12, 1988) was an American artist, musician and producer. Basquiat first achieved notoriety as part of SAMO, an informal graffiti group who wrote enigmatic epigrams in the cultural hotbed of the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City during the late 1970s where the hip hop, post-punk and street art movements had coalesced. By the 1980s he was exhibiting his Neo-expressionist and Primitivist paintings in galleries and museums internationally. The Whitney Museum of American Art held a retrospective of his art in 1992.
Accessed 17 January 2015